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Caroline Corby

As a child

Caroline Corby was born and brought up in Camden Town, London. She was the second of four children - three girls and a boy. As a child Caroline loved reading, particularly historical novels, history and biographies. She still buys every political biography on the day it's published. Caroline went to the local school. She lived in the same street as her two best friends and together they would walk there and back, usually taking much more time than they should have. She still often runs late.

As an adult

After leaving school, Caroline studied Mathematics and Statistics at Bristol University before becoming a banker. She spent thirteen years in the City ending up as the director of a venture capital company. During this time Caroline struggled to balance the demands of being a mother with her career. In September 2000, she decided to leave her job to spend more time with her young family. Caroline always enjoyed history and wanted to find a historical novel, aimed at children, which would capture her daughters' imagination. When she searched without success, she decided to write one herself. Cleopatra: Escape Down the Nile was her first story and the start of a new series, Before They Were Famous. Each book explores the early lives of some of history's most fascinating characters, who, in shifting, dangerous worlds, struggle to make their mark but grew up to become heroes. Books on Boudicca, William the Conqueror, Lady Jane Grey, Pocahontas and Julius Caesar followed. Caroline lives in Hampstead, North London, with her husband and three daughters aged thirteen, eleven and nine.

As an artist

Once her children have left for school, Caroline goes straight to her desk and starts writing. She works in front of a large window overlooking a park, and tries not to daydream too much. Caroline selected the characters in the series because they all grew up in times of great change and uncertainty. She researches each book meticulously, using all known facts, along with authentic descriptions of the food, architecture, culture and religion of the age. But first and foremost she wants each book to be a gripping read. Once a book is almost finished Caroline tests them out on her daughters. If, at lights-out time, they beg her to keep reading she's happy but if they're looking sleepy, she knows an edit is needed.

Things you didn't know about Caroline Corby

  1. At school, Caroline was so bad at sport she was always picked last for any team.
  2. Caroline was in the same class at primary school as her husband, but they don't remember each other from then.
  3. Caroline has three children, all girls.
  4. Green is Caroline's favourite colour as she's mad about gardening.
  5. Swimming in waves is one of Caroline's best things, particularly when her daughters are bobbing around her.
  6. Caroline named her eldest daughter, Scout, after her favourite character from the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
  7. Caroline would love to have a cat - but unfortunately her husband is allergic to them.
  8. Caroline's spelling is atrocious.
  9. At school Caroline liked maths so much that she went on to study it at university.
  10. Caroline turned vegetarian aged seven with her three best friends, Sarah, Rudi and Zoe, because they all decided it was mean to eat animals.

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