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  • Spirit-Hunter

Katy Moran

As a child

I grew up in the countryside, where I used to do stupid but fun things like jumping off the bridge into the river. I also watched a lot of telly, read a lot of books and ate a lot of crisps. I got bored easily so I was always making up stories when I was meant to be thinking about something else. I felt a strong connection with the landscape around me, and all the things that had happened there in the past, as if I were part of it. There was a dark pool down a lane where I was convinced they used to duck witches. I had an overactive imagination. I wrote my first novel when I was twelve - it was dreadful but I loved doing it.

As an adult

I went to university in Manchester where I read a lot, fell into a trench on a dig, jumped about in the hills, and started writing what became Bloodline. When I left I stopped writing for years and worked in publishing, which was brilliant, although I always felt something was missing, and I could never quite let go of Essa as a character. It wasn't till a friend read Bloodline and gave me the confidence to finish it that I really started writing again. I'm glad I did.

As an artist

I don't know why, but my main characters always seem to be boys. Maybe it's my masculine side coming out. I like to write early in the morning, and once I've got going, it can be hard to stop. I had a full-time job while I was finishing Bloodline and became quite hermit-like. I missed a lot of parties and didn't see some of my friends for months but I didn't care: I was having a massive adventure. I had a lot of catching up to do afterwards, though.

Things you didn't know about Katy Moran

  1. I love fancy dress - especially being a pirate. They had such great clothes.
  2. I hate maths because I'm so bad at it.
  3. I am scared of spiders - still.
  4. I went to school in Texas when I was five years old, and I still want to be a cowboy.
  5. I want to sail around the world one day.
  6. I wish I could travel back in time but wonder what I would do about my contact lenses.
  7. I really should learn to ride a horse.
  8. My husband is a drummer in a band, so I know how to take apart a drum-kit.
  9. I love going to the countryside with my friends and sleeping outside in the middle of nowhere.
  10. I am scared of heights - I wish I could jump off rocks into the sea but I just can't.

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