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Wendy Lee

As a child

I was born and raised in London, where I still live because I love it. As a child, I loved books. I loved where they took me – up the Faraway Tree, into The Secret Garden and into all the madness of Dr Seuss. I always felt the real world was a little disappointing in comparison, but I learned to live with it!

As an adult

I left school when I was just 16. Back then, telling the careers guide you wanted to be a writer was met with a blank look and a suggestion to try a typing course. I did a typing course actually, which it turns out was a great thing to do, now that computers are a necessity in life – my fingers fly across the keys, much to the envy of some of my other writer friends. I wrote adverts first of all, then comedy, then radio shows and then television. I like writing books best of all though.

Things you didn't know about Wendy Lee

  1. I used to be a stand-up comic.
  2. I love sashimi – raw fish, mmm.
  3. My son and I watch Home and Away together every night.
  4. I spend most of my day wearing pyjamas.
  5. I have two younger sisters.
  6. I can’t eat black pepper – it makes me really ill.
  7. I have very very hairy legs. I pay a lady to wax them every four weeks and it really hurts.
  8. I have a fridge in my office that has just chocolate in it.
  9. I try to read a book a week.
  10. I’m married to a comedian.

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