Our very own Nicola Morgan has been shortlisted for the Author Blog Award 2010.
The award aims to honour the best blogs by both published and unpublished writers who use their online presence to connect with readers in the most imaginative, engaging and inspiring ways.
You can get involved by going online and choosing your favourite blog as voting is still open: http://www.completelynovel.com/competitions/author-blog-awards-2010
Alternatively you can read Nicola’s blog here.
Nicola is also setting up her own blog for the launch of her new book Wasted, starting from April 23rd, and will be taking part in a "blog tour" of interested blogs, talking about the fascinating ideas behind Wasted and answering your readers' questions. If you'd like Nicola to visit your blog to do an interview or guest post, then do let us know. www.talkaboutwasted.blogspot.com