Hello to my readers in the UK!
I was so sorry not to be in the UK for the launch of City of Ashes, but I'm racing like mad to finish the third book in the series, City of Glass! I'm looking forward to coming over to London in the fall and hopefully meeting some of you then.
In the meantime, I'm so excited that City of Ashes is coming out! I While City of Bones was all about Clary and her discovery of the secret, magical world of the Shadowhunters, in City of Ashes I wanted to write more about Jace, his relationship with his father, Valentine, and his coming to terms with who he really is. It was a lot of fun to get into his head after being in Clary. Without giving too much away, I had particular fun with Jace's relationship with Clary and a certain kissing scene in the underground Faerie Court; Jace's like/dislike friendship with Simon, and a particularly exciting action sequence set on a ship in the middle of the East River. I can't wait to hear what you think of City of Ashes. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it.
Oh, and watch out for my new series, The Infernal Devices — it's also about Shadowhunters and Downworlders, but it centers around a new character, Tessa, and is set in London instead of New York. I'm really looking forward to getting to come over to London really often to shop — I mean, do research, of course! Actually, I really can't wait to get started on the first book, The Clockwork Princess, in which Tessa discovers she's really a warlock with a singular magical abilty — and she falls in love with Will, a Shadowhunter with a deadly secret. Fun!
PS Don't forget to check out my Bebo pages: