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Marilyn Nelson

As a child

Marilyn grew up on military (air force) bases in the United States, as her father was a member of a B-52 crew. Her mother was a teacher. Marilyn was a reader, and started writing seriously as a child. Her sixth-grade teacher predicted that she would someday be “a famous poet for children”.

As an adult

Marilyn has been a publishing poet for many years, and has won many awards. She teaches American literature, African-American literature, and creative writing to university students.

As an artist

Marilyn’s book, Carver: A Life in Poems, was her first collection of poems to appear as a young adult book. Since then, she has written several other poetry books, which will be published for young adults.

Things you didn't know about Marilyn Nelson

  1. Marilyn originally wanted to be a doctor.
  2. She would like to know more about science.
  3. She can’t add.
  4. She hums a lot.
  5. Her children think she is weird.
  6. She has thousands of ways to waste time.
  7. She loves opera.
  8. She is not a good dancer.
  9. She enjoys playing Scrabble.
  10. She can’t tell jokes.

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